PARTNER2B: No partnerships team? No problem!

Welcome, Partner Architects!

Did you know that a robust partner network can truly transform your b2b business? Many companies find this essential task challenging, especially without a dedicated partnerships team.

But fear not—we’re here to help!

#1. Which team in your company may take charge of building and managing partner networks and why?

Here are some exciting key takeaways you won’t want to miss!

  • Brand Awareness and Positioning: Marketing experts can craft compelling narratives and value propositions.

  • Market Trends and Customer Preferences: Their insights can help identify promising partnership opportunities.

  • Communication Skills: Marketers excel at communicating the value of partnerships both internally and externally.

  • Relationship-Building: Sales professionals are natural at fostering strong partnerships.

  • Customer Needs: They understand customer pain points and can tailor partnership offerings accordingly.

  • Negotiation: Sales teams are skilled negotiators, perfect for securing favorable partnership terms.

Here are just a few exciting highlights—your company has two more dynamic teams ready to build impactful partner networks!

Read about them in the full article and discover how to select the perfect partnerships team

Also, learn the essential qualities that your partnership lead needs to thrive. Could it be that this stellar partnership lead is already part of your team? Let's find out

#2. Ultimate Partnerships Cheat Sheet

Get a cheat sheet on identifying the right partner type based on your company’s goals. Bring in one new subscriber to receive this exclusive resource! (check out a link at the end of this email)

#3. Did you know that 60% of partnerships fail? 🤝💔

As a b2b partnerships professional, this Forrester statistic caught my eye. But why do so many collaborations fall short?

Explore 5 main reasons why b2b partnerships fail in my latest LinkedIn post

Stay tuned for more updates and follow PARTNER2B—we make b2b partnerships simple!

Best regards,

Elena from PARTNER2B